By observing the number of downloads, fans, episode comments and ratings in the MixerBox Player, you can gain a better understanding of what your listeners favor and their feedback.
▮ On the show page, you can see the total number of downloads and followers.

▮ It is highly recommended to invite your listeners to leave you a comment under each episode's comment section. This is a great method for collecting user feedback, gain ideas for future content, and also a special opportunity to interact with your fans!
*For example, you can mention in your Podcast: "If you have any feedback on this episode or future content requests, please comment in MixerBox Player's comment section for this episode!"

▮You can find your rating on your show's page and click in to see all reviews. It is also recommended that you invite your listeners to leave ratings/reviews for you. The more comments and ratings your show has, the more listeners you will attract!